Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wisconsin politics

To be brief, it strikes me as silly that the Democrats in Wisconsin have been protesting against the actions of the Governor and the Republican controlled legislature. It makes great theatre, but is not good government. The Democrats are unfortunately in the minority, and they should accept this status and move on. The pretense that they can affect the Wisconsin state government through protest is a consequence only of the existence of a bicameral system--and in the states there is even less excuse for having two separate chambers. It serves only to shift the focus to bickering between the chambers, and between the parties, from the real business, that of developing a platform, recruiting members, and persuading the electorate that the party has the best program. The Democrats should be working to get themselves elected in the next election, on the basis of their program for the state, not wasting everyone's time whining about the inevitable. The Republicans are threatening the power of labor and the middle class to participate in the political process. If this is not enough of a campaign issue for the next election, I don't know what is.


  1. What you miss by this is great theatre can also be a great party building activity, therefore by making a big deal out of something they can not immediately change, they are doing exactly what you want them to do, i.e. strengthening their party.


  2. I agree with Jonathan's comment, of course, but their theatre can be too easily dismissed as petulant obstructionism.
